Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Terrible Ones???

So I’m at that season in my life as a young mommy of a one-and-a-half-year-old.  Frazzled. Overwhelmed.  In need of rest, help, guidance, wisdom… you name it.  Oh what’s that?  I’m pregnant with our second?  Splendid.  Now’s as good a time as any I suppose to add another kiddo to the mix. 

{For those of you who don’t know me personally: In all seriousness I love being a mommy and consider it a huge blessing for God to allow me the humble responsibility of caring for them here on earth.}

But seriously what’s a girl to do?

You heard all the stories to “prepare you”.  You knew this time was coming.  The transition from nothing but cuddling a sweet precious infant and having him coo and smile at you to forming sentences you thought not possibly needed saying to another human.

“Don’t put your fingers in that electrical socket!”
“Stop licking the restaurant table.”
“For the fourth time, don’t touch that TV!”
“Let’s NOT pull Mommy’s shirt up in public to show everyone her baby belly.”

And instead of an endearing look back at you like a mere six months ago would have produced or simply stopping, you discover, the fit stage has hit head on.  

You know what I’m talking about. The Terrible Twos everyone called them…. Then why did they 
start SIX MONTHS EARLY???!!!!

No, instead of a blinking stare, you are given a free ticket to the game “Catch the Fish Out of Water”. 
Don’t know it? Let me enlighten you.

Imagine you are sitting in church with your child on your lap. Everything has been calm and baby is fairly happy. What’s that? Baby decides he no long wants to sit still and quieWAMMO! OUT OF NOWHERE simultaneously the head and feet arch backward while the tummy extends up and into the air. Absolutely no part of his body is touching a solid surface at this point, you have no idea which direction he will move next. His small body is now flopping all over the place while you are trying to maintain an ounce of dignity as you attempt to regain control of the small person doing flips and twerks with no signs of stopping. You momentarily have an out of body experience and picture what you and your child actually look like but realize instantly “AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!” You must regain control of your toddler. You are repeating over and over in your head “Mommy is in control. Mommy IS. IN. CONTROL.” But really you are trying to get yourself to believe it as you are currently getting your tushy kicked by a one year old.

Oh and then there’s the whole big pregnant belly thing being in the way. Yeah that helps for leverage. A ton. Actually it’s just easier for the little guy to thrust his padded tushy off of and get that much more air. It’s a real sight. Just ask those that sit around me at church. I’m sure they appreciate the circus going on. For free I might add. Uh you’re welcome.

No this is not every second of every day.  No my child is not out of control all the time.  In fact I would go as far to say that I have been blessed with a fairly chill little man most of the time.  He knows more joy in his heart that most people.  He is a spunky and charismatic, sweet and compassionate child that is a miracle to his daddy and me.  No it is not enough to make a woman insane.  However it is enough to make a young momma, unsure of how to deal with the future of gentle yet necessary discipline,  in need of some guidance.  You feel me young mommas?

I’m not talking about stories about how your child never dealt with that. Of course they didn’t.  Oh and don’t leave out the part where they were walking at four months. Uh huh.

I’m not talking about a quick comment here and there about “oh that season will pass and then they’ll be teenagers and you’ll have bigger fish to fry”.  Yes, because that makes my issue now seem totally 
irrelevant and practically disappear. Thank you.

Nah, I’m talking about walking and talking with us youngins who desperately want and cherish your wisdom and experience.  With open and accepting ears, we want any and all guidance you wish to share about how to be the best biblical momma we can be.  We want to learn from YOU. We want to be reassured that, while “this too shall pass,” we have some practical tools of how to deal with it now.  If my responses to common comments seem harsh I apologize.  However I wish to encourage you to have mercy on those who have not surpassed your experiences and yet strive to be an awesome momma. Just like you.  I ain’t trying to be no supermom but I am striving to be the momma that God desires me to be and what my husband expects in accountability to God’s expectations of a biblical mother.

My encouragement to you gals of little ones, who are learning this thing called motherhood with me:
  • Don’t compare yourself to those with more experience.  There is no reason we should have the skills and wisdom of a situation or person if we have not yet been through it ourselves. Give yourself a kit kat break and a cup full of grace.
  •  Don’t compare your little ones to another’s children.  They are all precious in His sight and they should be given the same grace of being unique and taught to their specific needs.  Let us be an example of granting them the patience we need as mother’s trying to figure this out.

  • Remember that motherhood is a huge responsibility and that although at times frustrating and confusing has the potential to be one of the greatest teachers of the gospel to our own hearts.  In the past eighteen months, I myself have learned more about the unfathomable love of my God, the miraculous hand of the Healer, the Comforter of a weary heart, the Steady Hand of a most worrisome situation, the Gentle Father to a broken child, and the Forgiving Savior of a most undeserved sinner.  Motherhood is so rewarding and worth learning how to be the best. I encourage you to endure when it seems unbearable, fight through the exhaustion, and know that there is at least one other sister out there who is praying for you. 

We are in this together. 
Mommas unite.

Much love,

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